Friday, November 09, 2012

Modern Books

While I reviewed all the videos about how books are printed in the 20th century, I stumbled upon this gorgeous video about Wood Engraving. The artist is imitating and discussing Thomas Bewick's work carving on wood blocks so the designs can be printed at the same time as the text, that is in the same print run. 
Wait until you see the beautiful images he creates. Here's the link to the YouTube video entitled "Thomas Bewick and wood-block printing | Natural History Museum"  

This second video really goes with the Encyclopaedia Britannic movie because it's a vocational film entitled "
History of Printing: Your Life Work"  . This film really describes all the various jobs of the printer. 

By now you are probably sick of  discussing printing or watching movies about the craft. So I have one more to share that looks at computers and us (how we use computers for conveying ideas)."The Machine is Us/ing Us (Final Version)"  

So what is the future of printing, publishing, and text? While the trade is more than 500 years old, computers and digitization are turning the field on its head and has been for many years now. Since we are still in the incunabula period of the web, of e-books, and of digital surrogates, we'll have to wait and see. The biggest question is will we recognize the revolution when it arrives or will be too caught up in the technology to notice. What do you think?

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